- Central Campus Faculty
- Doctorate (PhD)
- Dean’s office of the magistracy
- Department of Education
- Monitoring and Quality Department
- International Department
- Cultural and Educational Work Center
- Department of Science
- Department of Information Technology and Digitalization
- State Language Development Service
- Multimedia Institute of Distance Education
- Human Resources Department
- Accounting department
- Science Library
- Development Department
- Maintenance sector
- Wellness complex
- Archive
Leading Specialist:
c.p.s., Namatbekova Nurzat Mukanbetovna
- Address: room 605, 17A/1, Leo Tolstoy St., Bishkek city,720007, Kyrgyz Republic.
- Phone: (996-312) 35-12-40
- email: science@iuk.kg
Leading Specialist:
Myrzabayeva Nargiza Myrzabekovna
Address: room 605, 17A/1, Leo Tolstoy St., Bishkek city,720007, Kyrgyz Republic.
Work phone 35-12-40
Mob. 0558707887
email: myrzabaeva_n@mail.ru
Science Department
The Science Department is a structural subdivision of the Science Department that carries out its activities in cooperation with other structural subdivisions of the University.
The Science Department purpose is to intensify the scientific and scientific-innovative activities of the university staff and students to conduct fundamental and applied research in the field of natural, technical, humanitarian and medical sciences.
According to the assigned tasks, the Department of Science fulfills the following:
According to the assigned tasks, the Department of Science fulfills the following:
- Organizes work on scientific activities current and long-term planning.
- Coordinates and maintains documentation on fundamental, applied and innovative research, international programs and projects, promotes their implementation.
- Analyzes and generalizes the Research practice applying and participates in determining the priority areas for the fundamental and applied science development.
- Promotes the university science achievements, takes part in organizing and holding international and republican conferences, symposiums, seminars, meetings, exhibitions.
- Conducts organizational and practical activities to attract students to the research implementation.
- Carries out control and analysis of the university departments activities in the research plans implementation.
- Prepares statistical reporting data and information on the university research activities.
- Strengthens the connection of scientific research with the educational process by involving teachers, students, undergraduates and Ph.D. students into the research work carried out at the university.
- Promotes the students and young professionals’ scientific potential development by attracting the most capable and talented of them to scientific and innovative activities at the University.
- Prepares and submits the report on the results and main activities of the Science Department in accordance with the established procedure.
- Organizes the university participation in scientific and technical exhibitions, information placement concerning ongoing projects, innovative developments, technical and scientific achievements in the media.