- Central Campus Faculty
- Doctorate (PhD)
- Dean’s office of the magistracy
- Department of Education
- Monitoring and Quality Department
- International Department
- Cultural and Educational Work Center
- Department of Science
- Department of Information Technology and Digitalization
- State Language Development Service
- Multimedia Institute of Distance Education
- Human Resources Department
- Accounting department
- Science Library
- Development Department
- Maintenance sector
- Wellness complex
- Archive
Head of the Educational and Methodological Department
Khitsenko Lyudmila Anatolievna
Address: room. 511, 17a / 1, L. Tolstoy st., Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Phone: 0312 64 23 54
E-mail: omk.iuk@gmail.com
The Educational and Methodological Department is the part of the Monitoring and Quality Department.
The department main goal the is planning, organizing and coordinating educational and methodological work in the university structural divisions, as well as assessing and improving the educational and methodological support of basic educational programs.
The department contributes to the continuous improvement of the educational process quality by developing and implementing regulatory documentation for educational and educational work.
Advisory support for the methodological documentation development and implementation and the educational process monitoring are an integral part of the department work to adapt to modern labor market requirements, improving the educational process quality.
- Regulation on GEP
- Regulations on the EMC