Director of the Monitoring and Quality Department: Khalilova Marina Vladimirovna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Address: room. 512, 17a / 1, L. Tolstoy st., Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic Phone: 0312 64 23 55 E-mail: Leading Specialist of the Monitoring and Quality Department: Kurmanbekova Aizhan Anarbekovna Address: room. 511, 17a / 1, L. Tolstoy st., Bishkek, […]
Department of Continuing Education
Tel: 0312 642354 E-mail: Address: 17a / 1, L. Tolstoy st., Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic The Practice and Additional Education Department is part of the Monitoring and Quality Department. The main task of the department is its coordination and control of the departments’ activities in organizing and passing all types of practices by students, their […]
ISM Monitoring and Quality Sector
Department of Monitoring and Quality of Education
Head of Monitoring and Quality Department Duishenalieva Aidai Zhumabekovna Address: room. 512, 17a / 1, L. Tolstoy st., Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic Phone: 0312 64 23 54 E-mail: The department main goal is the educational process and the university activities continuous monitoring, as well as the coordination of planned activities aimed at improving the ARPC “IUK” […]
Educational-methodical sector of ISM
Department goal: The educational process organization and optimization, monitoring implementation and the educational programs improvement together with the International School of Medicine teaching staff and students. Department tasks are: The educational process regulatory support for educational programs; The educational process methodological support; The educational process improving; The educational process planning and organization: — Curricula optimization; […]
Educational-methodical department
Head of the Educational and Methodological Department Khitsenko Lyudmila Anatolievna Address: room. 511, 17a / 1, L. Tolstoy st., Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic Phone: 0312 64 23 54 E-mail: The Educational and Methodological Department is the part of the Monitoring and Quality Department. The department main goal the is planning, organizing and coordinating educational and methodological […]